While all of the Forged Barbell programming has its foundations in powerlifting, we offer a Barbell Club for those members wanting to take their training to the next level. Powerlifting meets test the deadlift, squat, and bench press. Our team trains together, travels together, and competes as a team. Our coaches are there every step of the way. The Forged Barbell programming is a block system based loosely on the conjugate method developed by Louie Simmonds of Westside Barbell. While our programming incorporates overhead lifts and accessory movements relevant to olympic lifters and general athletes as well as powerlifters, our strength and accessory blocks are conjugate based. We offer a Learn to Lift class, which teaches the foundations of the big lifts and accessory work. We also offer Barbell Club, which is dedicated training time for our competitive lifters to train as a team.